1 About

LATEST UPDATE: 2025-01-10
This website is dedicated to a course on sustainable finance given at EMLYON Business School from 2022 ownards. The website, which features the material used in class, is hosted on github.
The course is split in two parts:
- one on corporate finance (by Jean-Baptiste Vaujour) and
- one on market finance (by Guillaume Coqueret ).
The website is constructed on the second half of the course, but the slides of the first part are available on this page (Section 7).
If you have comments (e.g., typos, or if some links are broken), let us know, we want to improve and update the content regularly. You can pull requests on github, or send a mail at coqueret|at|em-lyon.com.
For the passionate reader, we also point to Thierry Roncalli’s incredible teaching material and http://www.thierry-roncalli.com/SustainableFinanceBook.html. The overlap with the present course is relatively small, hence both courses are complementary. Moreover, we refer to Perspectives on sustainable equity investing for a large review on the literature on the smaller topic of ESG and the stock market.